Azure powershell function collection
In this post I’ll collect all my base powershell functions and snippets.
In this post I’ll collect all my base powershell functions and snippets.
Azure B2C Tentans are used to manage external customer identities. Your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) B2C directory user profile comes with a built-in set… Weiterlesen »Azure B2C Edit User Extensions
The script writes zeros to unused spaces on all disk inside all VMs to free space in thin provisioned SAN based Hyper-V Cluster.To do this,… Weiterlesen »zero out free space in all VMs in a Hyper-V cluster to free SAN space
Veeam Backup & Replication verschiebt Bänder, deren Überschreibfrist abgelaufen ist nicht automatisch in den zentralen „FreeMediaPool“, aus dem sich alle Pools bedienen. Das… Weiterlesen »Veeam move unprotected media to free pool